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Structured Data Change History Timeline

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August 2022

Clarification added to documentation for Local Business rich result

Google updated the Local Business documentation to clarify how to specify multiple types: if you have multiple types, specify them in an array (additionalType isn't supported).

July 2021

Clarification to priceRange property for Local Business rich results

LocalBusiness has an (optional) recommended property of priceRange, which is a text field that allows you to specify the relative price range for the business (e.g. $100-$250). Google added a clarification that this field must be shorter than 100 characters, otherwise the price range will not be displayed.


Removed required property @id from Local Business rich result

Google removed the required property of @id for LocalBusiness, which was designed as a unique node identifier for the specific local business branch.

In their release notes, they claim that 'the url property alone is a sufficient identifier to understand the local business,' which is curious as this remains a recommended property for LocalBusiness.

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