Structured Data - Change History & Alerts

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Structured Data Change History Timeline

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July 2024

Updated recommended property for Image metadata rich result

You can embed IPTC photo metadata directly inside an image, and Google will extract the recommended property Digital Source Type. They ar now able to extract the IPTC NewsCode of compositeWithTrainedAlgorithmicMedia (The image is a composite of trained algorithmic media with some other media, such as with inpainting or outpainting operations).

October 2022

Major change to documentation for Image License rich results

Google made a significant change to the Image License search feature, and changed the name of the search feature to Image metadata. Previously it could only be used on licensable images; by specifying license information for the images on your website through structured data, the image can display with a 'Licensable' badge on image thumbnails in Google Images.

Now, image metadata can be added for any image, so the required property that was previously licenseis now 'either creator or creditText or copyrightNotice or license.'

A number of additional recommended properties have also been added to support this:

  • creator
  • creditText
  • copyrightNotice
  • license

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