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Looker Studio Dimensions and Metrics

This document details all the dimensions and metrics available through Sitebulb's Looker Studio Connector.

Simple Data Types

Dimension: project
Data Type: text
Description: The name of the project.

Dimension: Start Date Time
Data Type: Date & Time
Description: The date and time that the audit started, using the yyyyMMddHHmm format.

Dimension: Audit Score
Data Type: number
Description: The overall audit score (0-100).

Dimension: SEO Score
Data Type: number
Description: The SEO score (0-100).

Dimension: All URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of crawled URLs, including external URLs and page resources.

Dimension: Success URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of crawled URLs that returned a Success (200) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Not Found URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of crawled URLs that returned a Not Found (404) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Disallowed URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of crawled URLs that were disallowed in robots.txt.

Dimension: Redirected URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of crawled URLs that returned a Redirect (3XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Timed-out URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs that timed out, so were not successfully crawled.

Dimension: Forbidden URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of crawled URLs that returned a Forbidden (403) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Error URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of crawled URLs that returned an Error (5XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Internal Score
Data Type: number
Description: The Internal score (0-100).

Dimension: Internal All URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal URLs crawled.

Dimension: Internal Success URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal URLs that returned a Success (200) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Internal Not Found URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal URLs that returned a Not Found (404) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Internal Redirected URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal URLs that were disallowed in robots.txt.

Dimension: Internal Disallowed URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal URLs that returned a Redirect (3XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Internal Timed-out URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal URLs that timed out, so were not successfully crawled.

Dimension: Internal Forbidden URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal URLs that returned a Forbidden (403) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Internal Error URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal URLs that returned an Error (5XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Internal HTML URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal HTML URLs crawled.

Dimension: Internal Download URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal download URLs crawled (e.g. PDF, CSV, EXE, etc…)

Dimension: Internal Broken URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of broken internal URLs, including 4XX, errors and time-outs.

Dimension: Resources All URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of page resource URLs crawled (e.g. images, JS, CSS, etc…).

Dimension: Resources Success URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of page resource URLs that returned a Success (200) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Resources Not Found URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of page resource URLs that returned a Not Found (404) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Resources Redirected URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of page resource URLs that were disallowed in robots.txt.

Dimension: Resources Disallowed URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of page resource URLs that returned a Redirect (3XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Resources Timed-out URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of page resource URLs that timed out, so were not successfully crawled.

Dimension: Resources Forbidden URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of page resource URLs that returned a Forbidden (403) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Resources Error URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of page resource URLs that returned an Error (5XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: External All URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external URLs crawled.

Dimension: External Success URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external URLs that returned a Success (200) HTTP status code.

Dimension: External Not Found URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external URLs that returned a Not Found (404) HTTP status code.

Dimension: External Redirected URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external URLs that returned a Redirect (3XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: External Timed-out URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external URLs that timed out, so were not successfully crawled.

Dimension: External Forbidden URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external URLs that returned a Forbidden (403) HTTP status code.

Dimension: External Error URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external URLs that returned an Error (5XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Indexability Score
Data Type: number
Description: The Indexability score (0-100).

Dimension: Indexable HTML URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal HTML URLs that are indexable.

Dimension: Non-Indexable HTML URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal HTML URLs that are not indexable (e.g. noindex, canonicalized, etc…).

Dimension: On-Page Score
Data Type: number
Description: The On Page score (0-100).

Dimension: Image URLs With Alt Text
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of image URLs that have alt text set.

Dimension: Image URLs Missing Alt Text
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of image URLs with missing or empty alt text.

Dimension: URLs With Images Without Alt Text
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of HTML URLs with images missing alt text.

Dimension: Duplicate Content Score
Data Type: number
Description: The Duplicate Content score (0-100).

Dimension: URLs With Duplicate Content
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs with identical HTML content to other internal URLs.

Dimension: Similar Content
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs with a high percentage of similar HTML content to other internal URLs.

Dimension: urls With Duplicate Title
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs with identical page title to other internal URLs.

Dimension: Urls With Duplicate Meta Description
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs with identical meta description to other internal URLs.

Dimension: Urls With Duplicate Title And Meta Description
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs with identical page title and meta description to other internal URLs.

Dimension: Technically Duplicate URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs which are technically duplicate (e.g. URLs with the same query string parameters and values, just in a different order).

Dimension: Links Score
Data Type: number
Description: The Links score (0-100).

Dimension: Internal Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal link relationships across the whole website.

Dimension: Unique Internal Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal links (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal Followed Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal followed links.

Dimension: Unique Internal Followed Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal followed links (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal Nofollowed Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal nofollowed links.

Dimension: Unique Internal Nofollowed Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal nofollowed links (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal Broken Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal broken links - 404 or 410.

Dimension: Internal Unique Broken Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal broken links - 404 or 410 (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal Success Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal links to URLs that returned a Success (200) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Internal Unique Success Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal links to URLs that returned a Success (200) HTTP status code (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal Not Found Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal links to URLs that returned a Not Found (404) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Internal Unique Not Found Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal links to URLs that returned a Not Found (404) HTTP status code (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal Redirect Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal links to URLs that returned a Redirect (3XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Internal Unique Redirect Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal links to URLs that returned a Not Found (404) HTTP status code (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal Error Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal links to URLs that errored (5XX).

Dimension: Internal Unique Error Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal links to URLs that errored (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal Forbidden Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal links to URLs that returned a Forbidden (403) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Internal Unique Forbidden Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal links to URLs that returned a Forbidden (403) HTTP status code (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal Timeout Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal links to URLs that timed out.

Dimension: Internal Unique Timeout Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal links to URLs that timed out (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal Not Crawled Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal links to URLs that were not crawled.

Dimension: Internal Unique Not Crawled Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal links to URLs that were not crawled (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: Internal JavaScript Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of internal links that were created by JavaScript.

Dimension: Unique Internal JavaScript Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique internal links that were created by JavaScript (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external link relationships across the whole website.

Dimension: Unique External Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external links (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Followed Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external followed links.

Dimension: Unique External Followed Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external followed links (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Nofollowed Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external nofollowed links.

Dimension: Unique External Nofollowed Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external nofollowed links (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Broken Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external broken links - 404 or 410.

Dimension: External Unique Broken Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external broken links - 404 or 410 (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Success Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external links to URLs that returned a Success (200) HTTP status code.

Dimension: External Unique Success Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external links to URLs that returned a Success (200) HTTP status code (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Not Found Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external links to URLs that returned a Not Found (404) HTTP status code.

Dimension: External Unique Not Found Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external links to URLs that returned a Not Found (404) HTTP status code (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Redirect Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external links to URLs that returned a Redirect (3XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: External Unique Redirect Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external links to URLs that returned a Not Found (404) HTTP status code (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Error Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external links to URLs that errored (5XX).

Dimension: External Unique Error Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external links to URLs that errored (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Forbidden Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external links to URLs that returned a Forbidden (403) HTTP status code.

Dimension: External Unique Forbidden Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external links to URLs that returned a Forbidden (403) HTTP status code (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Timeout Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external links to URLs that timed out.

Dimension: External Unique Timeout Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external links to URLs that timed out (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External Not Crawled Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external links to URLs that were not crawled.

Dimension: External Unique Not Crawled Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external links to URLs that were not crawled (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: External JavaScript Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of external links that were created by JavaScript.

Dimension: Unique External JavaScript Links
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique external links that were created by JavaScript (i.e. unique anchor text, target URL and link location).

Dimension: XML Sitemaps Score
Data Type: number
Description: The XML Sitemaps score (0-100).

Dimension: Sitemap URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs that were found in XML sitemaps.

Dimension: NotFound Sitemap URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs that were found by other crawl sources, but not found in XML sitemaps.

Dimension: Error Sitemap URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs that were found in XML sitemaps, which returned an error (5XX).

Dimension: Forbidden Sitemap URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs that were found in XML sitemaps, which returned a Forbidden (403) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Disallowed Sitemap URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs that were found in XML sitemaps, which were disallowed by robots.txt.

Dimension: Redirected Sitemap URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs that were found in XML sitemaps, which returned a Redirect (3XX) HTTP status code.

Dimension: Indexable Sitemap URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of indexable internal URLs that were found in XML sitemaps.

Dimension: NonIndexable Sitemap URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of non-indexable internal URLs that were found in XML sitemaps (e.g. Canonicalized URLs).

Dimension: Noindexed Sitemap URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of noindex internal URLs that were found in XML sitemaps.

Dimension: Canonicalized Sitemap URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of canonicalized URLs that were found in XML sitemaps.

Dimension: URLs With Structured Data
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs which contain some structured data.

Dimension: URLs Without Structured Data
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs which do not contain any structured data.

Dimension: URLs With Search Features
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs which contain Google Search Feature markup.

Dimension: URLs Without Search Features
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs which do not contain Google Search Feature markup.

Dimension: URLs With Passed Schema Entities
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs for which all entities on the page are valid.

Dimension: URLs With Failed Schema Entities
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs for which not all entities on the page are valid (i.e. at least one is invalid).

Dimension: URLs With Passed Search Features
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs for which all Google Search Feature markup on the page is valid.

Dimension: URLs With Failed Search Features
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs for which not all Google Search Feature markup on the page is valid (i.e. at least one is invalid).

Dimension: Traffic Score
Data Type: number
Description: The Search Traffic score (0-100).

Dimension: Total Organic Visits
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of organic visits (users) from Google Analytics. If Google Search Console has also been connected, 'total clicks' is used from Search Console if this is larger than the organic visits number from Google Analytics.

Dimension: Total Mobile Organic Visits
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of mobile clicks, across all crawled pages, taken from Google Search Console.

Dimension: Total Desktop Organic Visits
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of desktop clicks, across all crawled pages, taken from Google Search Console.

Dimension: Total Tablet Organic Visits
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of tablet clicks, across all crawled pages, taken from Google Search Console.

Dimension: URLs Without Organic Search Traffic
Data Type: number
Description: The number of URLs that have logged no organic visits in Google Analytics and no clicks in Google Search Console.

Dimension: International Score
Data Type: number
Description: The International score (0-100).

Dimension: URLs With Hreflang Annotations
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs which contain hreflang annotations.

Dimension: URLs Missing Hreflang Annotations
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs which do not contain hreflang annotations.

Dimension: Unique Hreflang Annotations
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of unique hreflang variations found.

Dimension: External Hreflang URLs
Data Type: number
Description: The total number of URLs on external websites that were found via hreflang.

Dimension: Performance Score
Data Type: number
Description: The Performance score (0-100).

Dimension: Mobile Friendly Score
Data Type: number
Description: The Mobile Friendly score (0-100).

Dimension: Security Score
Data Type: number
Description: The Security score (0-100).

Named Value Pairs

Named value pairs must be used alongside a pre-aggregated dimension called URLs (Count), which must be used as a metric. It can’t be used on its own as a dimension, but only in conjunction with named value pairs.

Dimension: HTTP Status Code (All)
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 301, etc…), the value is the total number of URLs that returned this status code. This is for all URLs crawled, including page resources and external URLs. 

Dimension: HTTP Status Code (Internal)
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 301, etc…), the value is the total number of URLs that returned this status code. This is for all internal URLs crawled.

Dimension: HTTP Status Code (External)
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 301, etc…), the value is the total number of URLs that returned this status code. This is for all external URLs crawled.

Dimension: HTTP Status Code (Resources)
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 301, etc…), the value is the total number of URLs that returned this status code. This is for all URLs page resources - both internal and external resources.

Dimension: Structured Data Errors
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the type of structured data error: 

  • Schema Errors
  • Google Errors
  • Google Warnings

The value is the total number of URLs that triggered this error.

Dimension: Structured Data Formats
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the type of structured data format used: 

  • Microdata

The value is the total number of URLs on which the format was used.

Dimension: Pagination Status
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the pagination status:

  • Paginated
  • Not Paginated

The value is the total number of URLs for each pagination status.

Dimension: Canonical Status
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the pagination status:

  • Malformed URL
  • Missing
  • To External URL
  • To HTTP
  • To HTTPS
  • To Internal URL
  • To Self

The value is the total number of URLs for each canonical status.

Dimension: Indexable Status
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the indexable status:

  • Canonicalized
  • Canonicalized Nofollow
  • Canonicalized Noindex
  • Canonicalized Noindex Nofollow
  • Disallowed
  • Error
  • External
  • External AMP
  • External Hreflang
  • Indexable
  • Nofollow
  • Noindex
  • Noindex Nofollow
  • Not Found
  • Redirects

The value is the total number of URLs for each indexable status.

Dimension: Hreflang
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the hreflang annotation (e.g. en-gb, es-es, es-mx, etc…), the value is the total number of URLs that use this annotation.

Dimension: HTML Lang
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the HTML lang attribute values (e.g. en-gb, es-es, es-mx, etc…), the value is the total number of URLs that use this value.

Dimension: H1 Identification
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the identification status of the h1:

  • Missing
  • More than one
  • Found

The value is the total number of URLs for each identification status.

Dimension: Meta Description Identification
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the identification status of the meta Description:

  • Missing
  • More than one
  • Found

The value is the total number of URLs for each identification status.

Dimension: Title Identification
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the identification status of the page title:

  • Missing
  • More than one
  • Found

The value is the total number of URLs for each identification status.

Dimension: H1 Length
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the length classification of the h1:

  • Empty
  • Good
  • Short
  • Long

The value is the total number of URLs for each classification.

Dimension: Meta Description Length
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the length classification of the meta Description:

  • Empty
  • Good
  • Short
  • Long

The value is the total number of URLs for each classification.

Dimension: Title Length
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the length classification of the page title:

  • Empty
  • Good
  • Short
  • Long

The value is the total number of URLs for each classification.

Dimension: Duplicate Content by Type
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the type of duplicate content:

  • Similar
  • Content
  • Title
  • H1
  • Meta Description
  • URL

The value is the total number of URLs for each type.

Dimension: Web Vitals
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the performance score range:

  • Good
  • Needs Improvement
  • Poor

The value is the total number of URLs for each range, based on the sample tested.

Dimension: CLS
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) scoring range:

  • Good <= 0.1
  • Needs improvement <= 0.26
  • Poor > 0.6

The value is the total number of URLs for each range, based on the sample tested.

Dimension: FCP
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the First Contentful Paint (FCP) scoring range:

  • Good <= 1800ms
  • Needs improvement <= 3000ms
  • Poor > 3000ms

The value is the total number of URLs for each range, based on the sample tested.

Dimension: LCP
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) scoring range:

  • Good <= 2500ms
  • Needs improvement <= 4000ms
  • Poor > 4000ms

The value is the total number of URLs for each range, based on the sample tested.

Dimension: TBT
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the Total Blocking Time (TBT) scoring range:

  • Good <= 200ms
  • Needs improvement <= 600ms
  • Poor > 600ms

The value is the total number of URLs for each range, based on the sample tested.

Dimension: TTFB
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the Time to First Byte (TTFB) scoring range:

  • Good <= 200
  • Needs improvement <= 600
  • Poor > 600

The value is the total number of URLs for each range, based on the sample tested.

Dimension: TTI
Data Type: text,number
Description: The name is the Time to Interactive (TTI) scoring range:

  • Good <= 3785ms
  • Needs improvement <= 7350ms
  • Poor > 7350ms

The value is the total number of URLs for each range, based on the sample tested.


Audit Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints across the entire audit.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: Audit Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: Audit Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint - across the entire audit.
Dimension: Audit Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

SEO Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the SEO report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: SEO Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: SEO Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the SEO report.
Dimension: SEO Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

Performance Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the Performance report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: Performance Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: Performance Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the Performance report.
Dimension: Performance Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

Internal Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the Internal URLs report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: Internal URLs Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: Internal URLs Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the Internal URLs report.
Dimension: Internal URLs Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

Links Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the Links report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: Links Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: Links Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the Links report.
Dimension: Links Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

Accessibility Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the Accessibility report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: Accessibility Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: Accessibility Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the Accessibility report.
Dimension: Accessibility Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

Indexability Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the Indexability report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: Indexability Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: Indexability Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the Indexability report.
Dimension: Indexability Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

Duplicate Content Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the Duplicate Content report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: Duplicate Content Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: Duplicate Content Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the Duplicate Content report.
Dimension: Duplicate Content Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

On Page Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the On Page report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: On Page Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: On Page Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the On Page report.
Dimension: On Page Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

Security Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the Security report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: Security Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: Security Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the Security report.
Dimension: Security Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

Mobile Friendly Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the Mobile Friendly report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: Mobile Friendly Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: Mobile Friendly Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the Mobile Friendly report.
Dimension: Mobile Friendly Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

AMP Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the AMP report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: AMP Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: AMP Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the AMP report.
Dimension: AMP Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

International Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the International report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: International Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: International Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the International report.
Dimension: International Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

XML Sitemaps Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the XML Sitemaps report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: XML Sitemaps Hints by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: XML Sitemaps Hints by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the XML Sitemaps report.
Dimension: XML Sitemaps Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.

Organic Search Traffic Hints

Data Type: Named value pairs: string,object
Description: All triggered Hints in the Organic Search Traffic report.
Object properties: importance, types, hints

Object property: importance
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint importance, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each importance level.
Dimension: Organic Search Traffic by Importance - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: types
Data Type: Named value pairs: string,int
The name is the Hint type, the value is the total number of URLs triggered for each type.
Dimension: Organic Search Traffic by Type - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count)

Object property: hints
Data Type: Hint Array
An array of the top 10 Hints triggered, based on the total number of URLs triggered for each Hint in the Organic Search Traffic report.
Dimension: Organic Search Traffic Hints List - to be used with a metric of URLs (Count). Additionally you can use the Hint Importance and Hint Type dimensions to add more data to the table.