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Search Traffic

Traffic from organic search is like the ultimate truth when it comes to SEO. After all, rankings mean nothing if they don't drive relevant traffic (and/or conversions), and this can be what you're judged on when trying to justify future budgets or client spend.

So it can be worthwhile to investigate any potential issues that exist within the search traffic data. I say 'can be worthwhile' rather than 'is definitely worthwhile' because there is some element of subjectivity, and what is a bad signal on one site might actually represent a good signal on another site.

Bounce rate offers us a classic example. You could have a page that ranks for 'what is the weather today in Brazil', which would have an extremely high bounce rate (visitor comes on the page, gets the answer, bounces away), and this would not be considered a problem. But if you have a 1500 word blog post on an ecommerce site that ranks for 'best outdoor shoes for men', you would be alarmed/disappointed if the bounce rate was high.

Google Analytics and Google Search Analytics

Sitebulb is unique in that it actually combines Google Analytics and Google Search Console data (if both are connected) to make assumptions about the traffic. For example, if a page logs 0 visits in Search Console but 1 visit in Google Analytics, Sitebulb will not flag it as having 0 organic traffic.

This is by design, so that we can identify the very worst performing pages for you to focus your attention on, rather than marginal cases.

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