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Help & Support

Looking for an answer? Our tool documentation and how-to guides are the best places to find answers to how Sitebulb works and how to use it. For more help, contact support.

Help Center

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Hint Explanations

Detailed explanations for all of the Hints you find within Sitebulb, including examples, clarification on why each Hint is important, and the steps you need to take to fix them.

Explore Sitebulb Hints

Update to the latest version

If you are running an older version of Sitebulb, your issue or bug may have already been resolved! Install the latest version of Sitebulb from here.

Download Latest Version v8.10

Contact Support

The best way to contact support is directly through the chat within Sitebulb or on our website.

You can also use the 'Search for help' feature within the Sitebulb messenger to surface relevant documentation.

If, for any reason, you cannot access the chat within the tool, you can also reach the support team by emailing us.