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Celebrating Superb SEO(s): Q&A with Dan Saunders}

Celebrating Superb SEO(s): Q&A with Dan Saunders

Published 2024-07-15

At Sitebulb, our tool scales with you. Whether you’re doing SEO for a startup or small website, a large agency or a massive website, we support SEOs at all stages of their career with our Desktop website audit software and revolutionary Cloud crawler. With our Q&A series, we shine a spotlight on some of the superb SEOs that are out there. Some you may have heard of, and some perhaps not… not yet anyway!

Today, we speak to Dan Saunders, Head of Performance Marketing at Evergreen Finance, who spoke this year at Sheffield DM, which Sitebulb is proud to sponsor. 

To get started, briefly give us an intro to you:

For nearly two decades, I've been in the dynamic world of digital marketing, fuelled by an unwavering passion for data-driven strategies. My expertise lies in leveraging data insights to unlock new business opportunities and propel success.

My approach is anchored in a deep understanding of different markets and competitors. This data-centric foundation allows me to identify trends, anticipate challenges, and establish a competitive edge. 

My passion extends beyond data analysis. I meticulously plan and execute UK e-commerce and digital marketing campaigns, managing substantial budgets across various groups. My data-driven strategies have consistently driven sales growth, expanded online channels, and fostered a loyal customer base.

As an international keynote speaker, I inspire teams to embrace data-driven approaches. I lead large teams of specialists, fostering collaboration and innovation to deliver exceptional digital products and services. My commitment to knowledge transfer extends to mentoring executives and C-suite leaders, ensuring all levels are empowered by data insights.

SEOs have varied backgrounds, in PR, web development, marketing, content and more. How did you get into SEO?

I was extremely lucky; my wife’s best friend's husband just happens to be Stephen Kenwright (Founder of Rise at Seven). Over a whiskey one day, he asked me if I ever thought about selling something other than houses? My response was: “yes, everyday for the last 12 years, yes!” I started in SEO as a biz dev. I was lucky enough to go on pitches with the greats of the industry and meet the rest at conferences.

What do you like most about the work you do?

How, by using data you can go from zero to hero in SEO in less time than you might think. Data can be your secret weapon for accelerating your SEO journey. 

What do you like least about your work? – Be honest!

No matter how good you are, if Google gets a bee in their bonnet, all your hard work can be nothing overnight. While SEO offers incredible rewards, it can be frustrating when Google updates its algorithm, potentially wiping out months of hard work. SEOs can feel like they're constantly playing catch-up, prioritizing Google's whims over user value. However, focusing on long-term value with high-quality content and staying informed about SEO trends can help you weather these storms. By using data to guide your SEO strategy and remaining adaptable, you can recover from ranking drops and ensure your website continues to thrive even in the face of Google's algorithmic changes.

What are you working on right now – or what have you just finished – that has been exciting/challenging?

Balancing C-suite expectations with SEO best practices, which requires clear communication and a focus on long-term results. 

While the C-suite might desire a quick jump to the top of search rankings, SEO success hinges on creating valuable content and building organic authority, which takes time. By demonstrating the data-driven approach behind SEO and its potential for sustainable traffic growth, you can bridge the gap. Educate them on the importance of user experience and quality content, which not only improves rankings but also fosters brand trust and loyalty – key factors for long-term business success that align with C-suite goals.

What sort of SEO topics, issues, and techniques are you obsessing over right now? 

Don't neglect the power of data! I’m all about using analytics tools to track user behaviour and identify content gaps to refine your strategy and maximize website traffic.

What do you think we should be talking about more as a community?

I think SEOs should gear themselves more towards omnichannel marketing, which integrates all marketing channels for a seamless customer experience. Here's why: customers today research, discover, and purchase across multiple platforms – social media, websites, email, apps, and even physical stores. Being just an SEO misses these crucial touchpoints. 

Omnichannel marketing allows you to meet customers wherever they are, fostering brand awareness, engagement, and ultimately, conversions. It's a shift from a single-channel focus to a unified customer journey, ensuring you're present at every stage and maximizing your chances of success.

What are your go-to SEO tools, and what do you use them for?

Semrush, Majestic and Screaming Frog

What’s your top tip for superb SEO? 

"Data! Data! Data! I can't make bricks without clay!" By this I mean, just like a bricklayer needs clay to build a structure, SEOs need data to build a successful strategy. Data provides the raw material for keyword research, competitive analysis, and content optimization. 

By analyzing search volume, user intent, and competitor backlinks, you gain invaluable insights into what users are searching for and how to create content that effectively targets those needs. Without this data, SEO efforts become like guesswork, making it difficult to achieve sustainable results and ultimately limiting your website's potential.

Are you an SEO with a passion or project to share? Get in touch with us about writing an article or doing a Q&A.

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Dan Saunders

Dan is Head of Performance Marketing at Evergreen Finance. Throughout his 18-year career in digital marketing, he has leveraged data to unlock growth. He translates market and competitor insights into actionable plans, meticulously executes campaigns, and optimizes the customer journey across all touchpoints. As an international thought leader, he ignites teams with data-driven inspiration, building high-performing teams, and ensuring everyone is empowered by data to achieve exceptional results.  

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