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Dealing with Mobile Friendly issues?

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This Hint has been deprecated, and has been superseded by Avoid enormous network payloads. In order to get the most accurate audit results from Sitebulb, please ensure you update to the latest version.

High This Hint is very important, and definitely warrants attention. Issue This Hint represents an error or problem that needs to be fixed.

Total page size too big for 3G connections

This means that the URL in question has a total byte size (of the page and all the resources) greater than 1600KB.

Why is this important?

If the total byte size of the page and all the resources is greater than 1600KB, this is theoretically too big for a time-to-interactive of 10 seconds on a 3G connection. This means that the page is very slow loading on mobile, which negatively affects user experience.

What does the Hint check?

This Hint will trigger for any internal URL for which the total byte size of the page is over 1600KB.

How do you resolve this issue?

Within the URL List for this Hint in Sitebulb, scroll across to check the columns which detail the breakdown of resources into CSS, JS and Images. This will allow you to spot which is contributing the most, and where your opportunities to optimize are.

Images are often a quick win, as they can be made smaller (in weight) through compression. However it may instead be that you have bloated code - in the example below there is 1.5MB of JavaScript, which in this case was due to multiple tracking scripts and live chat plugins.

Total page size too big

Further Reading

Sitebulb Desktop

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  • Ideal for SEO professionals, consultants & marketing agencies.

Sitebulb Cloud

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  • Perfect for collaboration, remote teams & extreme scale.